SA SES Warning levels
All SA SES warnings use a nationally consistent set of colours depending on their warning level.
Advice (Yellow)
An incident has started. There is no immediate danger. Stay up to date in case the situation changes.
Watch and Act (Orange)
There is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to start taking action now to protect you and your family.
Emergency Warning (Red)
An Emergency Warning is the highest level of warning. You may be in danger and need to take action immediately. Any delay now puts your life at risk.
Hazard icons
SA SES warnings use a nationally consistent set of icons to help all people across Australia to easily identify the type of hazard.
All warning icons consist of a triangle shape with a black outline and sharp corners. The background colour changes depending on the warning level and the icon in the middle of each triangle changes depending on the hazard type.
The icon for flood warnings consist of a house in floodwater. The icon for storm warnings consist of a storm cloud with a thunderbolt. The icon for heatwave warnings consist of a sun.
Flood Warning Icons (Yellow for advice, orange for watch and act, red for emergency warning)
Storm Warning Icons (Yellow for advice, orange for watch and act, red for emergency warning)
Heatwave Warning Icons (Yellow for advice, orange for watch and act, red for emergency warning)
Learn about how our how our warnings are changing for floods, storms and heatwaves.
- SASES flood warnings are changing
- SASES storm warnings are changing
- SASES heatwave warnings are changing
About the Australian Warning System
The Australian Warning System is a new national approach to information and warnings for natural hazards like bushfire, flood, storm, heatwave and severe weather.
The system uses a nationally consistent set of icons to show hazard types. The System has been designed based on feedback and research across the country, and aims to deliver a more consistent approach to these types of emergencies, no matter where you are. To learn more about the new system visit the Australian Warning System website.
About SA SES Warnings
Timely and accurate advice and warnings are an important strategy in meeting the goals of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005. The SA SES has three levels of warning messages starting at Advice moving up to a Watch and Act and the highest level Emergency Warning.
Advice message 
We will issue an Advice Message for floods or storms that may pose a threat to property or public safety or events where:
- An incident has been reported and we are attending but no further information is available (Incident notification)
- An incident is producing an undesirable effect in an area that may cause concern to the public
- The SA SES State Coordinator wishes to advise the public of a specific event.
We will also issue an Advice level warning message for a district experiencing a low intensity or severe heatwave.
Watch and Act message 
We will regularly issue Watch and Act messages for incidents that pose a localised threat to property or public safety where:
- An incident is threatening or is a potential threat to public safety in the immediate area of the incident
- An incident is producing an undesirable effect in an area that may cause concern to the public on a day of elevated danger
- The SASES State Coordinator wishes to advise the public of a specific event.
We will also issue a Watch and Act level warning message for a district experiencing a severe or extreme heatwave.
Emergency Warning message 
Emergency Warning messages are the highest level of warning regarding an incident. They will be issued for a wide area community impact when:
- The risk of loss of life or threat to properties is almost certain or has occurred; or
- Where special circumstances exist and a message is approved by the State Coordinator for example when life or property has been lost.
We will also issue an Emergency Warning message for a district experiencing a severe or extreme heatwave.
Advice - Reduced Threat
We will issue a Reduced Threat message when the threat to the community has reduced.
All incidents that have had an Advice, Watch and Act or Emergency Warning message issued will be finalised with an Advice – Reduced Threat message.
Community readiness alerts
We will issue this alert when there's a forecast for dangerous heavy rain, wind, thunderstorms or heatwave. It is intended to give you enough notice for you to take action to make sure you and your family stay safe. This could include:
- Making sure you have enough food, water, medication and pet food so you don't need to go out during a storm or heatwave
- Collecting sandbags before heavy rain begins to fall
- Preparing your home by keeping your backyard tidy before a thunderstorm or strong wind hit
- Cooling your home before a heatwave by closing your blinds and curtains during the day
- Checking in with family, friends and neighbours to make sure they're prepared for the forecast weather.
Emergency Alert messages
Emergency Alert is an additional tool providing information by text and voice messaging to landlines and mobile phones. Learn more about emergency alert.
Police and Emergency Services will provide as much information as possible during an emergency incident. It is your responsibility to ensure you are adequately prepared and know what to do.