Heatwaves have caused more deaths in Australia than any other natural hazard.

South Australia’s temperatures are vast and varied. While a few 44 degree days in a row may be normal in Port Augusta, it’s not for Mount Gambier.  

This means that the SASES issue heatwave warnings for districts in South Australia. These districts are the same as the bushfire warning districts, so warnings will be local to where you live, work or travel. The heatwave warnings range from Advice level for a low intensity heatwaves to Emergency Warning level messages for extreme heatwaves. All current SES Heatwave Warnings will be available on the SASES Warning List. 

During the summer months we will issue a SES Heatwave Forecast after 4pm each day. In addition to the heatwave forecasts there is a SES Heatwave Summary available in a table format.

Heatwave safety tips

  • Never leave children or pets alone in a parked car (even if it's just for a short time), especially during a heatwave.
  • Sleep in the coolest part of the house—it might not be your bedroom.
  • Fill a small spray bottle with water—it's a great way to keep cool, especially for children.
  • Add a slice of lemon and ice cubes to your water.
  • Set your air conditioners to the cool setting.
  • Register older family members for the Telecross REDi service (Australian Red Cross) on 1800 188 071.
  • Make sure pets have cool spots, shade and many bowls of iced water. Bring them inside during the day.

Heatwaves are more than just hot weather. When it’s hot during the day and it doesn’t cool down at night, it’s very hard for your body to cool itself down.

Heatwaves also bring risks to your health and wellbeing, and anyone can be affected. Keep an eye on your loved ones who have existing health conditions because they can become ill very quickly during heatwaves.